Herbs of the Marrying Kind

This becomes Jen Blen

This becomes Jen Blen

My trusty Dehydrator that I plug-in right outside

My trusty Dehydrator that I plug in right outside

 First packets of my custom herb mixture, Jen Blen, processed for season 2014

First packets of my custom herb mixture, Jen Blen, processed for season 2014

I been planting an herb garden for years now, but it probably was only about four years ago that I started drying my own custom herb blends. The one shown here is the original blend that has become a family (immediate and extended) staple and has been given to the most special of friends. If you’re reading this post and have received this blend of deliciousness consider yourself in an elite class. Other blends I’ve concocted included: Dr J’s Sleep Inducing Elixir, Sumpthin Fishy and Charsley (you might be able to guess the contents of this one!).

Fresh herbs are always best, but if you’re like me, you always plant more than you can chew so why not extend your garden through the winter months with your dried creations?